New Referrer Registration
Account Information
Email address
Confirm email address
Confirm password
Provider Information
Referrer Type
Specialist Rooms
General Practitioner
Name of practice
Name of hospital
Given Name
Provider No.
Other Information
Default Referral Type
Mental Health
Acute Referrals are currently only available for
Northern Beaches Hospital
. We hope to offer this service for all Healthscope Hospitals in the near future.
To modify any details once the referral has been submitted, please contact the Hospital.
Mental Health Referrals
- You can also adjust the priority, the expected admission date, or cancel the referral using the icons to the right of the record. To modify any other details once the referral is in progress by the hospital, please contact the Hospital.
Rehab Referrals
- You can also adjust the expected admission date, requested assessment date, or cancel the referral using the icons to the right of the record. To modify any other details once the referral is in progress by the hospital, please contact the Hospital.
Default State
Default Facility
Default Admitting Doctor
Terms accepted
I accept the
Medical Security Notice
Terms of Use
of this service